Hello, my name is Alysia. I am a third-year Ph.D. student in Social Psychology at the University of Southern California. I work with Dr. Daphna Oyserman in the Mind and Society Center.
My research focuses on motivation, social class, and identity. I am currently looking at how we can use identity-based motivation to better understand and improve academic goal-setting and goal-attainment for minoritized and economically disenfranchised students. I am also examining how conceptual metaphors of social class and politics interplay in our perceptions of the socioeconomically disadvantaged. I use a variety of approaches, including experimental methods, multilevel modeling, text analysis, and real-world intervention work, to examine these questions.
Prior to USC, I received my Psychology B.S. from the University of California, Riverside. I am a multiracial, first-generation student and second-generation immigrant.
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